There is no general rule or 'one size fits all' for motherhood. You can read all the baby books or parenting books you want. Once you have your child, it's all about trial and error because babies are different. Some may sleep soundly by themselves, while others need constant closeness with their moms. Some may take a soothie/pacifier while some may spit it out every chance they get. Some moms breastfeed and some moms may give formula to grow their precious little ones, so the time and effort just to feed your child may take more effort then others. Here are some tips from a mom of two with two completely different children.
Quick Tips
- Take a breastfeeding course! You won’t realize the complexity of nursing and its so important to know the facts. I hear so many women quit too soon when it comes to nursing and a little bit of knowledge will go along way. Breastfeeding has so many benefits to mom and baby, and it’s worth the effort to find out.
- Nap when the baby naps..if you can! You will need all the rest you can get. If you nurse, you’ll be nursing every two hours atleast around the clock. Rest, rest, rest! If you pump or formula feed your baby, take turns with your partner or family member. This is so important. You want to be in the best psychological and physical shape for your family.
- Create a night time routine, especially if you are planning on having more kids. This will come in handy when baby #2 makes their arrival. I usually do a bath by 7pm, massage, and a nice warm bottle and in bed by 8/9pm the latest.
- Meal planning! If you have a partner that doesn’t mind store runs and preparing food, that’s great! If not meal prepping is soo important. You’ll want quick and easy meals because being honest you will sometimes have no time for yourself. The baby demands a lot of our attention the first few months of life so quick and easy is the way to go.
Baby Shower Must-haves
Diapers Diapers Diapers! NB to Size 3-4. NB I suggest at least enough to hold 196-200 diapers. Size 1 -4 at least three to four boxes of diapers will get you off to a good start. To be honest, you will go through the most diapers the first two months. I noticed after 8 weeks, the poops decrease and the wet diapers decrease as well. The feedings are more spread out, so the constant changing of diapers decreases as well.
Diaper genie- I don't know what I would do without this thing! I also have the sassy bags which is a blue bag which you can stick the poopie diapers in and place in the diaper genie. I would suggest dumping every few days.
Moby baby wrap- our ancestors have used these for years! Hands free holding is so much easier when you are a busy mom of 2. I'm able to get so much done, while still holding my little one close to me.
Baby wipe warmer- Warm wipes are amazing when it comes to diaper changes, especially in the colder months.
Bottles- Out of all the bottles I've used, the simple Medela bottles have worked best. My kids were able to latch without having milk run down the side of their faces.
Nursery Planning
Pinterest has some great examples. A good rule of thumb: pick a theme, color scheme, and work around that. My first purchases for my daughters room was decor pillows, a lamp, and wall art. After you choose those items, piecing everything else like the crib, rug and dresser will be a breeze.
-If you and your partner drive separate cars, having two car seats is a great idea! That way you aren’t having to tow the car seat back and forth
- If your baby takes a soothie, this is the perfect time to bring one. It will help soothe your baby while riding in the car. Just make sure he has a full tummy and dry diaper, and your ride should be fairly pleasant.
-Have a sassy bag, ziplock, or plastic bag for dirty diapers/blowouts for clothes storages. You will be surprised how much poop can come out of someone so small.
-For easy changes, if your diaper bag doesn’t come with a changing pad, a hospital liner pad will do just fine! You can find these in the aisle for depends and elderly care items.
-Say goodbye to your favorite tunes while driving. Elmo, nursery rhymes, and kids music favorites will soon be coming out of those speakers. As your child transition to the toddler phase, investing in some toddler headphones will do the trick, eventually.
Fussiness/Hiccups/Tummy upset
Let’s face it! If baby’s could talk wouldn’t things be so much easier? Fussiness/crying is their language for ‘help somethings wrong.’ That’s the only way they know how to communicate, so listen! Gripe Water is amazing! It helps relieve those annoying hiccups instantly and tummy kicks in really fast after the proper dose.
Baby’s aren’t mobile so tummy upset is quit common. Lie your baby on their back, do some baby leg petaling and some belly rubs to relieve any gas or tummy upset.
Bottle Cleaning
Sterilizing your bottles are a MUST! Did you know your dishwasher can clean them just as good as steaming? To save time, just stick those bad boys in the dishwasher overnight and you’ll have fresh bottles every morning to use!
Pureed foods at 6 months
The baby bullet is the way to go! It comes with tons of yummy recipes, all preservative free! You’ll know exactly what your baby is eating.
I hope these quick tips come in handy!
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