Taking care of black hair can be difficult as times. It takes work, no doubt about it. We can’t just wake up with tangle free hair and go. There’s a lot of moisturizing and detangling involved. For breaks, we straighten our hair. Here are some tips to grow long hair for my black beauties.
- Start off fresh. If you’ve neglected your hair and have not trimmed it in forever, start off with a trim and deep condition. I first want to get rid of the myth that trimming will make your hair grow faster mysteriously. Absolutely, not! Your hair grows from the scalp and has no relation to the ends of your hair. Your scalp is fresh growth while your ends are the oldest part of your hair. To maintain length and not run into breakage, trims are needed, but it will not make your hair grow faster. I recommend a good trim every 3-6 months depending on the health of your hair.
- Let’s move to deep conditioning. This should be done weekly. Start of with a deep moisturizer. Check out youtube to find tips on finding the right one for your hair type (curl pattern vs porosity of your hair.)
- Keep your hair from tangling. Do this by braiding your hair in sections at night or wearing a bun, but making sure it’s detangled well before placing it in a bun. You can create a matted mess if you don’t.
- Moisturize daily! Afro hair is like a desert. It’s naturally dry because of the coiled pattern. It’s difficult for our natural oils from our scalp to reach the ends of our hair shaft, so we need to add moisture to our hair. Purchase a squirt bottle and water your hair daily. I cowash (conditioner wash) my hair daily. My hair is so thick it needs to be wet in order to brush my hair back into a bun or ponytail.
- Do not manipulate daily. Keep your hands out of your hair. The more you mess with it, the more breakage you will experience. Keep it in a style that’s put up as a protective style.
- Drink lots of water, eat healthy, and take your multivitamins. This is a no brainer but is the MOST IMPORTANT step when caring for our hair.
- Do not relax or put harsh chemicals (including dyes) in your hair. This will only contribute to more dryness and breakage.
I hope this helps! Anything you want to add?
A Natural Hair Momma
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